Happy National Health Center Week (NHCW)! This year's theme really is a great one: Celebrating Health Centers: Home of America's Health Care Heroes.
Why FQHCs need to pay attention to the "Patients Over Paperwork" Initiative
Is your Board on-board for your next operational site visit?
If you’ve been following our blog, then you are aware (hopefully!) that 2018 has brought with it changes to the operational site visit (OSV) model.
Today we will focus on those changes specifically related to your Board of Directors, and how you can ensure that your Board is prepared to ace your next OSV.
New Medicare Card Project Special Open Door Forum—March 20
Changes to Operational Site Visit Protocol & Better Dialogue About Diabetic Patients
In case you haven’t heard, at the end of last month HRSA implemented a new Site Visit Protocol (SVP) that has replaced the existing Site Visit Guide. This tool is to be used in combination with the current Compliance Manual and will be used to assess compliance during operational site visits (OSVs).
FQHC Funding Cliff - Fixed!
FQHC Funding Cliff Update - Today is the day!
Today is the day! Very soon the US Senate will vote on a budget package that includes funding to fix the Health Center Funding Cliff via a two year extension of the Community Health Center Fund. Soon after the Senate vote, the package will move to the House for a final vote that must occur before midnight tonight to avoid a government shutdown. To be clear, today is the day Congress can vote to fix the Health Center Funding cliff once and for all.
Podcast: A Crisis in Community Health (from NPR: 1A)
A Day of Demonstration for America's Health Centers #RedAlert4CHCs
On Tuesday, February 6th, we are organizing a Day of Demonstration for America’s Health Centers called Red Alert for Health Centers. As a part of this effort, we ask you to wear red as part of a #RedAlert4CHCs. We also encourage those of you on social media to take and post pictures with the #RedAlert4CHCs hashtag demanding immediate action to fix the cliff.
The FQHC Funding Cliff: Update Following Government Shutdown 2018
As I write this update about the status of the Federal FQHC funding cliff, Congress is in the process of voting to reopen the Government, with health centers still left in uncharted territory.
It is generally agreed that Federal funds will again flow in time, at near traditional levels. However, the way you manage these three key areas now may impact your level of success once Congress regains its direction.