
FQHC Funding Cliff Update - Today is the day!

FQHC Funding Cliff Update - Today is the day!

Today is the day! Very soon the US Senate will vote on a budget package that includes funding to fix the Health Center Funding Cliff  via a two year extension of the Community Health Center Fund.  Soon after the Senate vote, the package will move to the House for a final vote that must occur before midnight tonight to avoid a government shutdown. To be clear, today is the day Congress can vote to fix the Health Center Funding cliff once and for all.

A Day of Demonstration for America's Health Centers #RedAlert4CHCs

A Day of Demonstration for America's Health Centers #RedAlert4CHCs

On Tuesday, February 6th, we are organizing a Day of Demonstration for America’s Health Centers called Red Alert for Health Centers. As a part of this effort, we ask you to wear red as part of a #RedAlert4CHCs. We also encourage those of you on social media to take and post pictures with the #RedAlert4CHCs hashtag demanding immediate action to fix the cliff.