The Importance of a Gift Acceptance Policy for an FQHC - Part 3 (Real Estate Gifts)

The Importance of a Gift Acceptance Policy for an FQHC - Part 3 (Real Estate Gifts)

In my two previous posts regarding the importance of a Gift Acceptance Policy for an FQHC, we discussed the scope and purpose of the policy as well as the screening of gifts.  This week we will dive down into the details and discuss specifics as they relate to gifts of real estate.

340B Audits and Compliance 101

340B Audits and Compliance 101

Covered entities participating in the 340B Drug Pricing Program must ensure program integrity and maintain accurate records documenting compliance with all program requirements. They are subject to audit by the manufacturer or the federal government. Failure to comply may make the 340B covered entity liable to manufacturers for refunds of discounts or cause the covered entity to be removed from the 340B program.

Why Name, Rank, and Serial Number Reference Policies are a Double-Edged Sword

Why Name, Rank, and Serial Number Reference Policies are a Double-Edged Sword

Organization leaders and Human Resources professionals are often challenged by walking the tightrope of when to share information about former employees and when to stick to facts providing only dates of employment, title, and wage. As a result many organizations have policies that closely define those who are approved to release employment information and what information they are allowed to release regarding a former employee.

Job Descriptions as Performance Appraisal Forms… The Ideal Solution

Job Descriptions as Performance Appraisal Forms… The Ideal Solution

Performance appraisal may well be the most despised management process around, and often for very good reasons.  Most performance appraisal forms are only marginally relevant to an employee’s job, and the results of the process itself yield very little – perhaps a token difference in a raise for a “higher performer” over a “lower performer;” but even these distinctions are often criticized by employees because of assumptions concerning how “tough” one supervisor is over another.  Simply put, the link between actual performance and actual executive or employee compensation is frequently tenuous at best.

Are You Considering Expansion Into Mobile Care?

Are You Considering Expansion Into Mobile Care?

Many health centers are now incorporating mobile clinics as a key strategy for improving access to health care, especially in rural areas, farmworker communities, housing projects and homeless populations. Mobile clinics help overcome barriers, such as transportation, that prevent people from accessing health care. A mobile unit can also be more flexible so care can be provided during non-traditional hours such as evening and weekends.  

340B DOES Benefit the Patient!

340B DOES Benefit the Patient!

Congress created the 340B program in 1992 to help uninsured indigent patients gain better access to prescription medications and to allow health centers stretch scarce federal resources.  The 340B program is vitally important for safety net providers and their most vulnerable patients.  It lowers drug costs for providers, allowing them to pass along these savings to their patients and maintain and expand other health care services.  Congress intended for covered entities to use the benefit of the discount to reach more eligible patients and provide more comprehensive services, and the 340B program has met these essential goals.

“The NLRB said what? We were certain our Human Resources functions were legal”

“The NLRB said what? We were certain our Human Resources functions were legal”

Do your policies and/or employee handbook forbid your employees from sharing information about their own wage and benefit packages with other employees? If so, it’s important to note that the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) has a different opinion and your health care facility might be found in violation by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). As a consultant providing services to health care organizations on matters of human resources and health care compliance, I often find employers with policies that put them at risk.