Small Steps Can Make a Big Impact on Mental Health

Small Steps Can Make a Big Impact on Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. When we collectively talk about health, the conversation has shifted to “whole person” health, but in practice we still tend to focus on physical health. This disconnect is supported by most conventional health insurance plans that consider dental a separate benefit, vision a separate benefit and often carve out or don’t even cover behavioral health support. This misalignment presents a challenge to healthcare providers who desire to provide whole person health but still must operate within the constraints of the system.

Resource Round-Up: Compliance Resources for Health Centers

Resource Round-Up: Compliance Resources for Health Centers

It’s come to our attention that many of you are not aware of’s robust FQHC Resource section, so we’ve decided to remedy that by putting together a series of blog posts highlighting our most helpful resources.

As always, our goal is to help make your life just a little bit easier.

If there is anything else we can do to help you solve your biggest operational and financial challenges so your health center can thrive, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Getting ready for your HRSA Site Visit? Don't miss these protocol changes!

Getting ready for your HRSA Site Visit? Don't miss these protocol changes!

2019 Site Visit Protocol Update Now Available for Preview 

HRSA has updated the Site Visit Protocol (SVP) in response to feedback from stakeholders, including health centers, strategic partners, site visit team reviewers, and HRSA staff. No changes were made to the Compliance Manual or to Health Center Program requirements.

The 2019 SVP Update is now available for public preview. It will go into effect for site visits that start after Thursday, April 18.

As part of HRSA’s commitment to continuous quality improvement, the updated SVP increases clarity and continues to provide HRSA the information necessary to perform its oversight responsibilities using a standard and transparent methodology that aligns with the Compliance Manual. Check out the summary of the changes and 2019 SVP Update Frequently Asked Questions.

Are you concerned that your health center might not be ready for your HRSA Site Visit?

We understand how stressful it can be to prepare for your site visit, and we’re here for you. Contact us today to schedule a Mock Site Visit. During this visit, our team of FQHC experts will make you aware of any potential compliance issues so you can be prepared to ace your site visit when the time comes.

Say goodbye to quick compliance fixes during your Operational Site Visit

Say goodbye to quick compliance fixes during your Operational Site Visit

Health centers may no longer make quick fixes onsite during an Operational Site Visit (OSV). Instead, there is the opportunity to submit documentation demonstrating compliance following an OSV through a streamlined process called Compliance Resolution Opportunity (CRO).